BC Ferries Inside Passage Cruise Photos, Port Hardy To Prince Rupert, British Columbia Stock Photos - PhotosCanada.com Gallery

BC Ferries Inside Passage Cruise Photos, Port Hardy To Prince Rupert, British Columbia Stock Photos

Inside Passage Cruise, Port Hardy To Prince Rupert, Butedale, Princess Royal Island, CM11-22

Inside Passage Cruise, Port Hardy To Prince Rupert, Butedale, Princess Royal Island, CM11-22

Description : Butedale was founded on Princess Royal Island, British Columbia in 1918 as a fishing, mining and logging area. Initially the salmon cannery was established by Western Packers which was purchased and operated by the Canadian Fishing Company until it ceased operating in the 1950s. At its peak the summertime population of Butedale was over 400 people.
The Butedale Founders Association talked about restoring the town but it is slowly falling to ruin.

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